Martin Luther Christian University

Contact 9AM- 5PM Mon-Fri:- Frontdesk: +919233519538 | Admission : +916033182102

Second Instalment Onwards

From the second instalment onwards, students are to make the online payment through

For Instalment Fee & Fine:

  1. Login to by typing in the address bar of any web browser.
  2. User name: Student Registration Number (e.g. A110004)
  3. Password: Registration Number+123 (e.g A110004123)
  4. Click on MENU>FEES>Click on Fees name whose Status Fee is Unpaid> Pay Fees
  5. Proceed for payment, after the payment is successful the Receipt will appear in the Payment History.


For any Fees queries, email us at



Click one of our contacts below to chat on WhatsApp

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