Elegantly You

By Dr. C. Dhar Martin Luther Christian University, Jowai Campus. Since the day you were born I’ve had an eye on you Even if the day has gone It is you I still value You are beautifully crafted Shiny, young a vibrant look Your height […]

Green Beneath Our Feet

Plato Laloo BCA  First Semester, MLCU The world is crawling with evils and worst underneath, Menace should be stopped to get a chance to plant seeds If this time you cannot handle this kind of condition’ The future will be tearful when it comes to […]

Momentary Pleasure

Fabian Marbaniang Faculty English and Communication Department, MLCU We speak of the uniqueness of a particular culture, for we assume to have understood the attitudes, the beliefs and behaviour of a people. We have the greatest admiration for any culture, especially one that is adorned […]

Launch of School of Social Work

The current social and academic climate has brought to the fore the need to adapt to new changes and development in terms of teaching-learning processes, curriculum, and the social determinants of health. With this vision and objective, Martin Luther Christian University today launched the School […]

PhD Online Public Defence 2020

          MLCU conducted a two-day PhD Online Public Defence on the 30th and 31st July, 2020 where 7 candidates successfully presented their dissertations virtually in the presence of the members of the Doctoral Committee, examiners, supervisors administrators,  faculty members along with […]

NSS Regular Activities

The NSS Unit of MLCU has adopted Khlieh Umstem and Liarsluid villages of Ri-Bhoi district with the objectives of working towards the need of their communities and contributing to their sustainable development. As part of this initiative and the students’ experiential learning, the Department of […]

Life Skills Workshop at Nongrah and Mawlynrei

Martin Luther Christian University received a three year funding from the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), New Delhi for a project entitled “Alcohol use among adolescent tribals in three corners of India” under the Principal Investigator Dr R Jennifer War. The two main objectives […]

1st North East Land Conference

Martin Luther Christian University in collaboration with NERCORMP; RNBA, Manipur and North East Network organized a two-day North East Land Conference focusing on issues of Land, Laws, Local and Livelihoods on the 30th and 31st January 2020 at its premises at Nongrah, Shillong.   The […]