Online Courses
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Welcome to the Online courses provided by Martin Luther Christian University. To take up a course, registration to our LMS(Learning Management System) is required. Click on the “Register” button provided below to register yourself. If you have already registered, click on “Login” button to login.
The following courses are opened for enrollment. Please note that not all courses are opened to everyone.

This book is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
- To be able to knowledgeably discuss basic up-to-date information about COVID-19 and its health and social effects
- To present data and recommendations about various aspects of COVID-19 illness and public health management
- To be an informed volunteer for COVID-19 related projects

This book is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
About the course
This course is presented as a self-study and self-assessment book, primarily meant for the students and staff of MLCU, but also open to any member of the public. The expected learning outcomes are:-
- To be able to knowledgeably discuss basic up-to-date information about COVID-19 and its health and social effects
- To present data and recommendations about various aspects of COVID-19 illness and public health management
- To be an informed volunteer for COVID-19 related projects
This is a self-study and self-certified course. Participants who have studied the course materials and completed the feedback are eligible for this certificate. Such participants can download or print this certificate. A feedback form is provided for your opinion and for further improvement of the course.A Blended Learning Model
Research,including doctoral research is a well-founded cornerstone of higher education.A PhD is the highest academic degree awarded by a university, bestowing on its recipient,recognition of a high level of proficiency in intellectual pursuit. Society and academia expect PhD holders to assume and wield influence and leadership in professional and civil life. So, the PhD degree is more than a mere acknowledgement of research expertise.
The potential of reaching these high goals is reflected in the concepts and approaches of the PhD program at MLCU. While the primary activity of the PhD scholar is to engage with a research question, the course work and other features of the PhD program seek to instil a societal perspective, include multi-disciplinary content and context, and achieve a modelling and problem-solving approach to community challenges, while at the same time, being founded on cultural and humanitarian concepts and values.
The importance of these approaches have been underscored by the cataclysmic effect of the Covid pandemic that has shaken the foundations and structure of education. Literally overnight, from midnight March 22-23, 2020, education India changed drastically, forcing immediate changes and innovations so as to adapt to a new order.
Recognising the need for change, the UGC has come out with several notifications. The “Blended Mode of Teaching and Learning: Concept Note, UGC, 2021” represents a radical shift. Prior to the pandemic the New Education Policy 2020 provided a blueprint for a new era in higher education, upon which platform the UGC Blended Learning scheme is strongly rooted. These progressive documents show the need for new pedagogies, multi-disciplinary approaches and social contexts. NEP 2020 states that a liberal broad-based multidisciplinary education should become the basis for all higher education.
The Blended Learning Policy is based on sound research. A useful summary of the various aspects of the integration of technology in higher education is provided by Bernard et al (2018). This landmark study is titled “Gauging the Effectiveness of Educational Technology Integration in Education: What the Best-Quality Meta-Analyses Tell Us. The authors reviewed 52 meta-analyses conducted from 1982-2015. It showed the clear benefit of blended learning over classroom education or online education alone.
The PhD Course Work Scheme
- Duration and credits
The course work should ordinarily be completed within the first semester after admission and should not be less than 8 credits. - Content
- General courses: provided by the University
- Research Methodology
- Quantitative and Qualitative Research
- Education and Pedagogy
- Ethics in Research and Publication
- Academic Writing Skills
- Computer Skills in Research
- Specialised courses: provided by one of the Faculties of the University or a specialised Centre
- Supervisor or self-prescribed
- General courses: provided by the University
- Pedagogy
- Blended learning
- Self-directed learning
- Flipped classroom
- Seminars
- Assessment
- Integrated assignments, case studies, vignettes
- Competency-based
- Evaluation by self, peer, supervisor, Faculty/Centre or by the Department of Research and Doctoral Studies
- Transcript
- Will indicate all course work taken and credits earned
- May use a combination of grades, GPA and Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
- Individualised course work
A candidate may apply for an individualised or partially-individualised course work scheme, depending on the requirements of a particular discipline or topic, with the recommendation of the Supervisor. - Equivalency
A candidate who has completed course work of an equivalent content and level or has demonstrable competency, may be exempted/partially exempted from any component of the course work. Such equivalence if approved shall appear in the transcript.